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7th Sister #1 Regular Cover
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7th Sister #1
Wraparound Cover
Full Color
Hadrian Bessel is a criminal mastermind with an evil plan on an epic scale. Escaping from the asteroid prison colony Vesta, he heads to Earth to wreak havoc. Earth is in jeopardy! Special Agent Euripides ‘Rip’ Alexander Jones and pilot Mitchell Haze, of the United Council Earth, are both striving to avert disaster between America and the Republic of Texas. A Mega-Truck driven by American terrorist barrels headlong towards the Texas oilfields! They must be stopped!
Returning to Arctic City, Agent Jones learns Hadrian Bessel has returned to Earth, crashing his spaceship on the Yucatan Peninsula; a restricted and fenced no-entry area. Jones is instructed to clandestinely investigate ...Orders: Terminate Bessel! ...but there is a small glitch - two space ships crashed on the peninsula; Jones must first decide which one to investigate.
Jones soon discovers the 7th Sister. Meet Merope, or Mol, the youngest of seven sisters from the Pleiades star system. Impetuous, rash, and quick to anger, protector of a secret that affects not only their home planet but Earth. Merope is a Star Scout, a searcher for planets to seed with new life.
Merope had it all planned. Until the Follower showed up! With a desperate escape attempt away from the Aldebaran, she miscalculated by using the ship's A.I. system to pick random coordinates! Crashing on Earth was not in the plan!
NOTE: Comic Will NOT have Watermark on Artwork
Written by John Daniel Taylor IV
Regular Cover by Rafael Lanhellas (Pencil & Ink) and Ivan Nunes (Colors)
Interiors Rafael Lanhellas (Pencils/Inks), Arthur Hesli (Colors)
Top Secret Press
7th Sister Vol.1, No. 1
Publication Date: May 2018
ISSN: #2637-689X
Page Count: 24/28
Binding Type: Saddle Stitching
Trim Size: 6.25" X 10.5"
Language: English